
Florida's State Courts System has begun the development of an Integrated Trial Court Adjudicatory System, a project that will optimize the ability of judges 和 case managers to electronically process 和 manage cases. The project is also designed to assist chief 和 administrative judges 和 法院经理 in the effective management of court operations 和 r资源. 该项目有两个主要组成部分:1)司法观众, which focus on case management services for judges; 和 2) 司法资料管理服务(JDMS), which focuses on state level court activity data 和 analysis services for 法院经理 和 other stakeholders.

The JDMS project will develop a computing environment to provide state-level data management services to all elements of the court system. 这些服务包括:

  • 数据整合和标准化服务
  • 报告服务
  • 处理服务
  • 数据仓库和分析服务

具体地说, JDMS制度将使法官受益, 法院经理, 和 users of the court system by providing meaningful data 和 analysis to: 1) improve adjudicatory outcomes through case management 和 program evaluation, 2) increase operational efficiency through efficient use of shared r资源, 和 3) support organizational priorities through legislative resource 和 budgetary requests. JDMS will additionally enhance the ability of the state courts system to provide court-related data to assist policymakers in evaluating policy 和 budget options.


9月17日, 2015, the 初审法庭表现及问责委员会 adopted the final proposal for the 统一病例报告(UCR)项目 和 the accompanying data collection specification. 4月27日, 2016, the Supreme Court issued AOSC16-15在Re:统一病例报告要求 directing clerks of court to provide case activity data to the Office of the State Courts Administrator in accordance with the specification provided below.  和所有新的数据收集工作一样, the UCR Project is being developed in accordance with the JDMS framework 和 principles.  The current version of the UCR Data Collection Specification is provided below. 


在Re:统一病例报告实施PDF下载, 最高法院行政命令AOSC22-6(3月11日), 2022) established the following implementation schedule for completion of transition to reporting under UCR for all division 和 case types.   All reporting custodians are encouraged to look for specific opportunities to advance this process.  The time frame on this implementation schedule will be interpreted to mean “as soon as possible but no later than”.





Family (including Family Law/Domestic Relations, Juvenile Delinquency 和 Dependency)


遗嘱认证 & 县民事


电路的犯罪 & 县刑事


Involuntary Civil Commitment of Sexually Violent Predators


Questions related to the UCR Transition process including Phase I, Phase II 和 Production milestones should be directed to the UCR Help Desk at UCRhelpdesk@roomarea1.net.

以前授予的扩展可以在 AOSC18-18PDF下载, AOSC18-31PDF下载, aosc18 - 75PDF下载, AOSC19-17PDF下载, aosc19 - 68PDF下载AOSC20-30PDF下载.



Transitioning to reporting under the UCR will occur in two phases: 


验证UCR报告的技术基础结构.  This phase ensures that the clerk of court can access the OSCA data exchange site 和 exchange properly formed UCR data packages containing the expected types of data in accordance with the current version of UCR Data Exchange Schema. It requires close collaboration with clerks of court 和 the OSCA.


Verifies that the content of the case activity data provided by the clerk of court is of sufficient quality to provide the state courts system with the timely, 准确的, 并且需要可靠的组织信息.  Requires certification from three stakeholders, clerks of court, circuit courts 和 the OSCA.



附加UCR R资源





The XML schema document provided below contains all the validation criteria for each type of event reported per the specification.  Please use the current version of the UCR02 schema to validate your XML reports.  还提供了一个UCR数据字典, which lists the required 和 optional data elements for each event type in chart format.  

注意:All reporting custodians beginning transition for any division of court must comply with the latest version of the UCR XML schema in effect at the time of transition.  



OSCA Web服务技术规范版本1.0.2PDF下载

Please note: User credentials are required for interacting with the OSCA's web service, 和 the sender's IP address must be recorded to open the firewall for consumption. Contact the OSCA to coordinate access to the test 和 production sites before attempting to upload data.
