












(850) 922-9290

What is the job market like for [insert certification of interest] mediators in [insert location of interest]? 调解员的薪酬是多少?

Please consult your local mediation program director or speak with mediators from your area. 项目、就业市场和费用/薪水因州而异.


Please send your request in writing, including your old address/phone number and the new one. 传真:(850-922-9290),邮寄:(500s). 地址:佛罗里达州塔拉哈西杜瓦尔街32399)或电邮: drcmail@roomarea1.net 的变化.



通读全文 关于培训和指导要求的信息 然后选择a 注册调解培训师.


是的,调解员认证存在非活动状态.  The Operating Procedures Governing Mediator Certification includes the following provisions:

  • A mediator may elect to be placed on inactive status at any time during a current renewal cycle, 续期后不得超过90天, 通过提交不活动的请求表单. A mediator may claim an inactive status for no more than five years from the filing of their inactive request form. 看到 非活动状态PDF下载. Mediators are not entitled to refer to themselves as Florida Supreme Court certified mediators.
  • A mediator seeking to change status from inactive to certified must file: a renewal form; renewal fee(s); 完成 CME form reflecting 16 hours of continuing mediator education; and a reinstatement fee. 无论中介处于非活动状态的时间长短, 县调解员需要缴纳20美元的复职费, all other mediators are subject to a $50 reinstatement per area of certification, 但最高收费不超过150美元.
  • A mediator who elects inactive status during a current renewal cycle is not eligible for a refund of any portion of the renewal fees. A mediator who is inactive less than one year is not subject to reinstatement fees.
  • A mediator who does not renew certification(s) by the end of the five-year inactive status is required to meet all requirements for initial certification.


在调解员编号的末尾有一个或多个字母. 这些字母表明你的认证领域. 代码:C=County, F=Family, R=Circuit, D=Dependency, A=Appellate.


要查找您的中介编号,请使用 中介搜索 本网页提供的功能. 输入你的名字( 最后或第一 ),您将找到您的调解员编号、续约日期和联系信息. 如果您无法找到您的名字,请联系刚果民主共和国寻求帮助.



Certified Mediators must complete a minimum 16 hours of Continuing Mediator 教育 (CME) in each area of which they are certified including the following sub-requirements:


  • 4小时调解员道德
  • 2小时的人际暴力,以及
  • 1小时的多样性/文化意识 *.


  • 4小时调解员道德
  • 4小时的人际暴力 *,
  • 1小时的多样性/文化意识 *.


  • Appellate mediators automatically fulfill their CME requirements by reporting 16 hours in their family, 电路, 或者依赖认证.



要查找您的更新日期,请使用 中介搜索 本网页提供的功能. 输入你的名字( 最后或第一 ),您将找到您的调解员编号、续约日期和联系信息. If your name does not appear using the 中介搜索 function you have not yet been certified or you have allowed your certification to lapse. 

Do I need to send in additional supporting documentation with my CME Form when I submit my renewal information?

Mediators are not required to submit back up documentation for their CME activities unless they have been selected for audit. 因此, 您必须维护所需的文档, send in the required materials ONLY if you have been notified that you are being audited in this renewal cycle.  如果你没有被审计,请不要发送文件.


发送到刚果民主共和国 完成 Application for Mediator Certification Renewal, a check for your renewal fees (made out to the 佛罗里达州 ),并附上一封要求延期90天的信. 所有的信件 必须盖上续借日期的邮戳吗 .  90天的延期从你的续约日开始.


Your certification will not be renewed until all renewal requirements, including CME, are 完成.


There is a 30 day grace period from your renewal date before any late fees apply.  第30天之后, there is a $100 late fee penalty for county mediators and a $250 late fee penalty for all other certifications.  这些费用是标准续费之外的费用.  调解员自终止之日起最多可延长五年.  每过一年需要额外的2小时CME.

I am a mediator with multiple areas of certification; do I need 16 CME hours for each certification area?

Mediators who are certified in more than one area are only required to obtain 16 hours of CME regardless of the number of certifications held.


The DRC does not track CME hours for individual mediators over their two-year renewal cycle.  所有CME时间由调解员在续约时报告.

我刚刚完成了一个CME项目. 我应该把信息发送到哪里才能获得学分?

Each mediator is responsible for keeping all the information pertaining to 完成 CME during the two-year cycle. You report the information on the CME报告表格 at the time of your renewal, not as you earn it. 你可以下载 CME报告表格PDF下载 从我们的网站. 


获得CME资格的项目, it shall “have a significant intellectual or practical content and shall constitute an organized program of learning directly related to the practice of mediation.CME课程没有得到DRC的“预先批准”. 如果课程符合CME的定义,那么它就符合资格.

How do I know which CLE (Continuing Legal 教育) courses apply for my mediator education, too?

看到我们的 将CLE计算为CME指南.

Do continuing education hours for other professions count towards fulfillment of the CME requirement?

是的, provided the course meets the definition for CME and the subject matter attended is applicable to your area of mediator certification.


是的,如果适用于调解实践. 每出席50分钟可获得1小时CME.


Presentations that relate to ethical considerations in the field of mediation and constitute the focus of the presentation will count (generally will contain 'ethics' in the title). 法律/律师道德不适用于调解员道德.


Interpersonal violence education includes the following subject matter: domestic violence; stalking; repeat violence; dating violence; child abuse; child neglect; abuse of vunerable adults; human trafficking; animal cruelty; workplace violence; physical and emotional safety and security; trauma informed responses; suicide prevention, awareness and risk factors; and self-harm (not suicidal). 

If I am already a certified mediator and I complete a mediation certification training course in a different area of certification, 我可以用这个项目来计算我目前的认证吗?

是的, if there are 16 hours of material applicable to that area of certification. 通常有, but you should look over the program materials or talk to your training provider for more information or a breakdown of hours.

录音是否会过期?? I found tapes from 200(X); can I use them for my current CME cycle?

录音不会自动过期, 但它们仍必须符合CME的定义才能获得资格. 因此,如果内容不再相关,磁带不应该被使用. 重要的是你什么时候听录音带. 听力的日期必须在你两年的更新周期之内.


在每个更新周期中,调解员可以要求多达8小时的指导CME.  辅导时间不能用于调解员伦理, 人际暴力, 或者多样性/文化意识小时.


For additional information please contact the 争议解决中心 at 850-921-2910 or at DRCMail@roomarea1.net.
